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发布日期:2023-03-17    作者:     来源:    点击:


姓名:曾军 性别:男

职称: 副教授 导师资格:硕导


学历:博士 毕业院校:中山大学

招生专业: 免疫学

19899-19936月南昌大学生物系生物学专业学士,19939-19976月华南师范大学生物系生理学硕士,20039-20086月中山大学药学院药理学专业博士。 19977月来广州医科大学参加工作至今。20136-20173月在美国KentuckyLouisville大学分别在儿科系、微生物和免疫系从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为免疫代谢学、肿瘤免疫学,曾在Cell reportsCellTrends in molecular medicinejournal of Journal of Immunologycancer research等杂志发表研究论文。



1. 广州市属高校科研计划项目,2012C1322013/04-2016/04,主持。


3. 广东省自然科学基金,9451018201003599Nodal蛋白在骨髓间充质细胞向肿瘤相关成纤维细胞转化中的作用研究,2009,主持。


(1) Jiaqing Hao(#); Rong Jin(#); Jun Zeng(#); Yuan Hua; Matthew S. Yorek; Lianliang Liu; Anita Mandal; Junling Li; Huaiyu Zheng; Yanwen Sun; Yanmei Yi; Di Yin; Qi Zheng; Xiaohong Li; Chin K. Ng; Eric C. Rouchka; Nejat K. Egilmez; Ali Jabbari; Bing Li ; Consumption of fish oil high-fat diet induces murine hair loss via epidermal fatty acid binding protein in skin macrophages, Cell Reports, 2022, 41(11): 111804 (期刊论文)

(2) Li, Bing; Hao, Jiaqing; Zeng, Jun; Sauter, Edward R. ; SnapShot: FABP Functions, Cell, 2020, 182(4): 1066-1066e1 (期刊论文)

(3) Zeng, Jun; Sauter, Edward R.; Li, Bing ; FABP4: A New Player in Obesity-Associated Breast Cancer, Trends in Molecular Medicine, 2020, 26(5): 437-440 (期刊论文)

(4) Yanmei Yi#*; Zhaotong Wang; Yanqin Sun; Junhu Chen; Biao Zhang; Minhua Wu; Tianyu Li; Li Hu; Jun Zeng* ; The EMT-related Transcription Factor Snail upregulates FAPα in Malignant Melanoma Cells, Exp Cell Res, 2018, 364(2): 160-167 (期刊论文)

(5) Jun Zeng ; Yuwen Zhang; Jiaqing Hao; Yanwen Sun; Shujun Liu; David A. Bernohr; Edward R. Sauter; Margot P. Cleary; Jill Suttles; Bing Li(*) , Stearicacid induces CD11c expression in proinflammatory macrophages via epidermal fatty acid binding protein, Journal of Immunology, 2018 in press (期刊论文)

(6) Yuwen Zhang; Jiaqing Hao; Jun Zeng; Qiang Li; Enyu Rao; Yanwen Sun; lianliang Liu; Anita Mandal; V. Douglas Landers; Rebecca J. Morris; Margot P. Cleary; Jill Suttles; Bing Li, Epidermal fatty acid binding protein prevents chemical-induced skin tumorigenesis by regulation of TPA-induced IFN/p53/SOX2 pathway in keratinocytes, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2018 in press (期刊论文)

(7) Yuewen Zhang; Enyu Rao; Jun Zeng; Jiaqing Hao; Yanwen Sun; Shujun Liu; Edward R. Sauter; David A. Bernlohr; Margot P. Cleary; Jill Suttles; Bing Li, Adipose Fatty Acid Binding Protein Promotes Saturated Fatty Acid-Induced Macrophage Cell Death through Enhancing Ceramide Production, J Immunol, 2017.1.15, 198(2): 798~807 (期刊论文)

(8) Xiaozhen Dai (#) ; Jun Zeng(#) ; Xiaoqing Yan; Qian Lin; Kai Wang; Jing Chen; Feixia Shen; Xuemei Gu; Yuehui Wang; Jun Chen; Kejian Pan; Lu Cai; Kupper A. Wintergerst; Yi Tan, Sitagliptin-mediated preservation of endothelial progenitor cell function via augmenting autophagy enhances ischaemic angiogenesis in diabetes, J Cell Mol Med, 2018.1, 22(1): 89~100 (期刊论文)

(9) Yonghong Liu; Ruitao Lu; Junlian Gu; Yanxuan Chen; Xueyan Zhang; Lan Zhang; Hao Wu; Wenfeng Hua; Jun Zeng*, Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 up-regulates stem cell markers in benzo[a]pyrene-induced malignant transformation of BEAS-2B cells, Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2016.7, 45: 241~250 (期刊论文)

(10) Jun Zeng, Shaohui Cai, Yanmei Yi, Yuwen He, Zhen Wang, Guanmin Jiang, Xiaokun Li, Jun Du. Prevention of spontaneous tumor development in a ret transgenic mice model by Ret peptide vaccination with Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase inhibitor, 1MT. Cancer Research. 2009 May; 69: (9): 3963-3970.