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发布日期:2025-03-10    作者:     来源:    点击:


姓名:沈二霞     性别:女

民族:汉       技术职称:教授 


最后学历:博士     最后学位:博士








1. 主持国家级 国家自然基金面上项目,32370932,转录因子Blimp1调控自然杀伤细胞发育和功能的机制研究。立项时间:2023.项目时间:2024.01-2027.12,50万元,在研,主持。

2. 主持国家级 国家自然基金面上项目,转录因子Blimp1维持滤泡调节性T细胞(TFR)的系别稳定和功能的机制研究及在狼疮鼠中的作用,55万元,结题。

3. 主持国家级 国家自然基金青年项目,骨桥蛋白对小鼠CD27-IL-17+γδT 细胞功能和发育的调控及机制研究,24万元,结题。

4. 主持市级 广州市属高校项目,OPN-i-Bcl6轴调控滤泡辅助性CD4+T细胞的早期分化及在SLE中的作用研究, 8万元,结题。

5. 主持市级 广州市科技,细胞内骨桥蛋白调控早期滤泡辅助性CD4+T细胞的分化及其在类风湿性关节炎中的作用研究,20万元,结题。

6. 主持省级 广东省科技计划, IL-33/sT2在川崎病小鼠模型中的作用, 5万元,结题。

7. 主持省级广东省科技计划,pVAX–IL-35 质粒诱导调节性T 细胞缓解川崎病模型小鼠的实验研究,,5万元,结题。

8. 主持省级 广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目,银屑病IL-21升高机制及其诱导CD4+T细胞分化为Th22的机制研,3万元,结题。


1. Yue LiaoZ#, Yanling Zheng#, Ruizhi Zhang#, Xiangming Chen, Jijun Huang, Jiamin Liu,Yuyang Zhao, Yu Zheng, Xueyan Zhang, Zhiyan Gao, Jin Bu*, Tieli Peng*, Xiaomin Li*,Erxia Shen*. Regulatory roles of transcription factors T-bet and Eomes in group 1 ILCs. Int Immunopharmacol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intimp.2024.113229.

2. Qi Zhang#, Ting Huang# , Xiaomin Li# , Guanfang Liu, Luhua Xian, Xueying Mao , Ting Lin, Cheng Fu , Xiangming Chen, Wenting Liang, Yanling Zheng , Yuyang Zhao, Qiwen Lin, Xiuzhang Xu, Yu Lin, Jin Bu, Changyou Wu , Maohua Zhou*, Erxia Shen*. Prognostic impact of enhanced CD96 expression on NK cells by TGF-β1 in AML. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024 Nov 15:141:112958.  

3. Chen X#, Fu C#, Zheng YL#, Li X, Liao Y, Zheng Y, Liang W, Zhao Y, Huang J, Huang T, Bu J*, Shen E*. Intermittent fasting alleviates IMQ-induced psoriasis-like dermatitis via reduced γδT17 and monocytes in mice. Advances in Medical Sciences. 2024 May 17;316(5):176.  

4. Zhao Y#, Yang J#, Zhang Q, Chen X, Liang W, Zheng Y, Huang J, Liao Y, Fu C, Huang T, Li X, Zheng Y, Bu J*, Shen E*. Fasting alleviates bleomycin-induced lung inflammation and fibrosis via decreased Tregs and monocytes. Archives of Dermatological Research.  2024 Jul 8;69(2):303-311.  

5. Ding RL#, Fu C,# Zheng Y, Bu J*, Shen EX*. The Association Between Psoriasis and Trace Element Serum Levels and Dietary Intake: Results from USA National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011–2014. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2024 Jun;17:1449-1458.

6. Zhang R#, Zhao Y#, Chen X#, Zhuang Z, Li X, Shen E*. Low-dose IL-2 therapy in autoimmune diseases: An update review. Int Rev Immunol. 2024 May;43(3):113-137. doi: 10.1080/08830185.2023.2274574.

7. Bu Jin#, Ding Ruilian, Zhou Liangjia, Chen Xiangming, Shen Erxia*. Epidemiology of Psoriasis and Comorbid Diseases: A Narrative Review. Front Immunol. 2022;13:880201.

8. Guanfang Liu#, Qi Zhang#, Jingying Yang#, Xiaomin Li, Luhua Xian, Wenmin Li, Ting Lin, Juan Cheng, Qiwen Lin, Xiuzhang Xu, Qin Li, Yu Lin, Maohua Zhou*, Erxia Shen*. Increased TIGIT expressing NK cells with dysfunctional phenotype in AML patients correlated with poor prognosis. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 2022 Feb;71(2):277-287.

9. Zhang Qi#, Chen Lan#, Ji Xiaofang, Tang Juanjuan, Fu Cheng, Huang Ting, Shen Erxia*, and Li Zi*. Inhibition of COX-2 ameliorates murine liver schistosomiasis japonica through splenic cellular immunoregulation. Parasites & Vectors, 2022 Apr 23;15(1):144.

10. Jin Bu*, Yu Lin, Li-Qiong Qing, Gang Hu, Pei Jiang, Hai-Feng Hu*, Er-Xia Shen*. Prediction of skin disease using a new cytological taxonomy based on cytology and pathology with deep residual learning method. Sci Rep 11, 13764 (2021).

11. Erxia Shen#, Hardis Rabe#, Lin Luo# et al. Control of Germinal Center Localization and Lineage Stability of Follicular Regulatory T Cells by the Blimp1 Transcription Factor. Cell Reports, 2019, 29, 1848–1861.

12. Erxia Shen #, Qin Wang #, Hardis Rabe, Wenquan Liu, Harvey Cantor*, and Jianmei W. Leavenworth*. Chromatin remodeling by the NuRD complex regulates development of follicular helper and regulatory T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jun 26;115(26):6780-6785.

13. Wang M#, Bu J #, Zhou M, Sido J, Lin Y, Liu G, Lin Q, Xu X, Leavenworth JW*, Shen E*. CD8+T cells expressing both PD-1 and TIGIT but not CD226 are dysfunctional in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients,Clin Immunol. 2018 May;190:64-73.

14. Erxia Shen, Mengjie Wang, Hairui Xie, Ruqiong Zou, Qiwen Lin, Lili lai, Fujun Li, Zhimei Liang, Yanran Xu, and Maohua Zhou. Existence of Th22 in children and evaluation of IL-22 + CD4 + T, Th17, and other T cell effector subsets from healthy children compared to adults. BMC Immunol. 2016 Jun 23;17(1):20.

15. Zhou M, Zou R, Gan H, Liang Z, Li F, Lin T, Luo Y, Cai X, He F, Shen E *.The effect of aging on the frequency, phenotype and cytokine production of human blood CD4 + CXCR5 + T follicular helper cells: comparison of aged and young subjects. Immun Ageing. 2014 Aug 23;11:12.

16. Shen E, Zhao K, Wu C, Yang B*. The suppressive effect of CD25+Treg cells on Th1 differentiation requires cell-cell contact partially via TGF-β production. Cell Biol Int. 2011;35(7), 705–712.

17. Shen E, Lu L, Wu C*. TLR7/8 ligand, R-848, inhibits IgE synthesis by acting directly on B lymphocytes. Scand J Immunol. 2008; 67(6):560-568.

18. Shen E#, Li L#, Li L, Feng L, Lu L, Yao Z, Lin H, Wu C*. PIKA as an adjuvant enhances specific humoral and cellular immune responses following the vaccination of mice with HBsAg plus PIKA. Cell Mol Immunol. 2007; 4(2):113-120.