姓名:王金恒 性别:男
民族:汉 导师层次:博士生导师
技术职称:教授 导师类型:学术型
最后学历:博士 最后学位:博士研究生
2016年博士毕业于比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学。近年来,以第一或通讯作者在Blood、Cancer Research、Nature Communications、British Journal of Cancer、Biomaterials、Theranostics、Journal of Pathology、Cancer Letters等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,总被引次数超过1400次,其中5篇单篇引用超过100次,1篇入选ESI高被引论文。获得国家授权发明专利3项。曾任The Innovation、Journal of Hematology & Oncology,OncoImmunology,Advanced Healthcare Materials等高水平期刊的审稿专家。
1. 指导2017级研究生涂成功获得2021年校级优秀硕士学位论文;
2. 培养3名硕士研究生分别进入布鲁塞尔自由大学和广州医科大学攻读博士学位。
3. 指导2019级本科生获得2022年“全国大学生生命科学竞赛”全国竞赛二等奖、广东省赛区一等奖。
4. 指导研究生获得广州市医学会医学优秀学术论文三等奖2项。
1. Wang Jinheng, Hendrix An, Hernot Sophie, Lemaire Miguel, De Bruyne Elke, Van Valckenborgh Els, Lahoutte Tony, De Wever Olivier, Vanderkerken Karin*, Menu Eline*. Bone marrow stromal cell-derived exosomes as communicators in drug resistance in multiple myeloma cells, Blood, 2014, 124: 555-566.(中科院1区,IF=21.0,ESI高被引论文,被引372次)
2. Zhang Hui, Du Zhimin, Tu Chenggong, Zhou Xinyan, Menu Eline, Wang Jinheng*; Hypoxic bone marrow stromal cells secrete miR-140-5p and miR-28-3p that target SPRED1 to confer drug resistance in multiple myeloma, Cancer Research, 2024, 84(1):39-55. (中科院1区,IF=12.5)
3. Chen Xi, Chen Xin, Yan Ding, Zhang Na, Fu Wen, Wu Meixuan, Ge Feifei, Wang Jiangtuan, Li Xiaofen, Geng Meiyu, Wang Jinheng*, Tang Daolin*, Jinbao Liu*. GV-971 prevents severe acute pancreatitis by remodeling the microbiota-metabolic-immune axis, Nature communications. 2024, 15(1):8278. (中科院1区,IF=14.7)
4. Du Zhimin #, Zhang Hui #, Feng Yueyuan, Zhan Dewen, Li Shuya, Tu Chenggong, Liu Jinbao*, Wang Jinheng*. Tumour-derived small extracellular vesicles contribute to the tumour progression through reshaping the systemic immune macroenvironment, British Journal of Cancer, 2023, 128(7):1249-1266. (中科院1区,IF=6.4)
5. Wang Jinheng, Tu Chenggong, Zhang Hui, Zhang Jian, Feng Yueyuan, Deng Yangyang, Huo Yongliang, Xie Maobin, Yang Bin, Zhou Miao*, Liu Jinbao*. Loading of metal isotope-containing intercalators for mass cytometry-based high-throughput quantitation of exosome uptake at the single-cell level, Biomaterials, 2020, 255: 120152.(中科院1区,IF=12.8)
6. Tu Chenggong#, Du Zhimin#, Zhang Hui#, Feng Yueyuan, Qi Yujun, Zheng Yongjiang, Liu Jinbao*, Wang Jinheng*. Endocytic pathway inhibition attenuates extracellular vesicle-induced reduction of chemosensitivity to bortezomib in multiple myeloma cells, Theranostics, 2021, 11(5): 2364-2380.(中科院1区,IF=12.4)
7. Du Zhimin#, Feng Yueyuan#, Zhang Hui, Liu Jinbao*, Wang Jinheng*. Melanoma-derived small extracellular vesicles remodel the systemic onco-immunity via disrupting hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Cancer Letters. 2022, 545:215841.(中科院1区,IF=9.1)
8. Wang Jinheng, De Veirman Kim, Faict Sylvia, Antonia Frassanito Maria, Ribatti Domenico, Vacca Angelo, Menu Eline*. Multiple myeloma exosomes establish a favourable bone marrow microenvironment with enhanced angiogenesis and immunosuppression, Journal of Pathology, 2016; 239: 162-173.(中科院1区,IF=5.6,被引201次)
9. De Veirman Kim#, Wang Jinheng#, Xu Song, Leleu Xavier, Himpe Eddy, Maes Ken, De Bruyne Elke, Van Valckenborgh Els, Vanderkerken Karin, Menu Eline*, Van Riet Ivan*. Induction of miR-146a by multiple myeloma cells in mesenchymal stromal cells stimulates their pro-tumoral activity, Cancer Letters, 2016, 377: 17-24.(中科院1区,IF=9.1,被引109次)
10. Wen Guanmei, Yao Leyi, Hao Yali, Wang Jinheng*, Liu Jinbao*. Bilirubin ameliorates murine atherosclerosis through inhibiting cholesterol synthesis and reshaping the immune system, Journal of Translational Medicine, 2022, 20(1): 1 (中科院2区,IF=6.1)
11. Yao Leyi, Hao Yali, Wen Guanmei, Xiao Qingzhong, Wu Penglong, Wang Jinheng*, Liu Jinbao*. Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1 Modifies the Systemic Immunity and Reduces Atherosclerotic Lesion Development in ApoE Deficient Mice, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13: 809469 (中科院2区,IF=4.4)
12. Wang Jinheng*, Tu Chenggong, Zhang Hui, Huo Yongliang, Menu Eline, Liu Jinbao*.Single-cell analysis at the protein level delineates intracellular signaling dynamic during hematopoiesis, BMC Biology, 2021, 19(1):201.(中科院2区,IF=4.4)
13. Wang Jinheng*, Zheng Yongjiang, Tu Chenggong, Zhang Hui, Vanderkerken Karin, Menu Eline, Liu Jinbao*. Identification of the immune checkpoint signature of multiple myeloma using mass cytometry-based single-cell analysis, Clinical & Translational Immunology, 2020, 9: e01132. (中科院3区,IF=4.6)
14. Shou Jiali#, Li Shuyi#, Shi Wenzhe, Zhang Sijuan, Zeng Zheng, Guo Zecong, Ye Ziming, Wen Zhuohao, Qiu Huiguo, Wang Jinheng*, Zhou Miao*. 3WJ RNA Nanoparticles-Aptamer Functionalized Exosomes From M2 Macrophages Target BMSCs to Promote the Healing of Bone Fractures, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2023, 12(11):758-774.(中科院2区,IF=5.4)
15. Zheng Yongjiang; Tu Chenggong; Zhang Jingwen; Wang Jinheng*. Inhibition of multiple myeloma-derived exosomes uptake suppresses the functional response in bone marrow stromal cell, International Journal of Oncology, 2019, 54(3): 1061-1070(中科院3区,IF=4.5)
16. Wang Jinheng#, Zheng Yongjiang#, Zhao Meng*. Exosome-Based Cancer Therapy: Implication for Targeting Cancer Stem Cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017; 7: 533.(中科院2区,IF=4.4,被引182次)