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发布日期:2025-03-10    作者:     来源:    点击:


姓名:蔡铭升   性别:男 

民族:汉      职称:教授

学历:博士    最后学位:博士     


导师层次:博士后/博士研究生/硕士研究生导师   导师类型:学术型















1. 第五届广东医学科技奖二等奖

2. 广东高校优秀青年创新人才

3. 广州市高层次人才

4. 广州医科大学“南山学者”

5. 广州医科大学高水平大学学术骨干


1. 指导在站博士后获得国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、中国博士后基金面上项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目多项。

2. 指导的研究生获得研究生国家奖学金、优秀学位论文、优秀研究生称号、研究生企业奖学金和研究生学业奖学金等20多项奖项。

3. 指导本科生获得国家级、省级、市级和校级等科研项目和全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛以及“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛奖项50余项。


1. 国家重大研发计划会评专家和通讯评审专家

2. 国家科技专家库和教育部科技评价与评审信息系统专家

3. 国家自然科学基金评审专家

4. 广东省/浙江省/湖南省自然科学基金评审专家、广东医学科技奖评审专家、广东高校科技成果转化中心评审专家、广州市农村科技特派员

5. 杂志审稿专家:Journal of Advanced Research、Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research、Virologica Sinica、Frontiers in Immunology、Vaccine、Cell Communication and Signaling、BMC Cell Biology、Infection Genetics and Evolution、Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics、Viruses、Journal of Chromatography A和Frontiers in Veterinary Science等。

6. 广东省热带医学学会理事,全国疱疹病毒研讨会学术委员,中国微生物学会、中华医学会、中华医学会医学病毒学分会、中国免疫学会、广东省免疫学会等的会员。



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目

3. 广东省自然科学基金(3项)

4. 广东省教育厅特色创新项目、青年创新人才项目

5. 广州市科技计划科学研究项目

6. 广州市属高校科研项目(2项)

7. 广州市高校创新创业训练项目

8. 呼吸疾病国家重点实验室开放课题(2项)

9. 广州医科大学基础医学院学科建设经费资助项目


1. Chen YE, Liang J , Chen SX , Lin N, Xu SX, Miao JD,Zhang J, Chen C, Yuan X, Xie ZY, Zhu EL, Cai MS (*), Wei XL (*), Hou SZ (*), Tang HL (*). Discovery of Vitexin as a Novel VDR Agonist that Mitigates the Transition from Chronic Intestinal Inflammation to Colorectal Cancer. Molecular Cancer, 23(1): 196, 2024

2. Li ML, Li YW, Liu YT, Li XQ, Lao SX, Long ZW, Huang C, Huang WZ, Xu CY, Chen XR, Fathalrhman Eisa Addoma Adam, Zhang GR, Li LH, Zhang J, Peng T, Su MT, Chen SW(*), Hou SZ(*), Xiao B(*), Cai MS(*). The Epstein–Barr virus small capsid protein BFRF3 disrupts the NF-кB signaling pathway by inhibiting p65 activity. FASEB Journal, 38:e23820, 2024

3. Cai MS, Xiao B, Wang YF, Wang KZ, Luo WQ, Fu JQ, Wang S, Deng SY, Li BL, Gong L, Zhong JY, Hu L, Pan LX, Wang LD, Liu YT, Huang C, Li XQ, Zeng QY, Kang HR, Li LH, Zan J(*), Peng T(*), Yang HD(*), Li ML(*). Epstein-Barr virus envelope glycoprotein 110 inhibits NF-κB activation by interacting with NF-κB subunit p65. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299(5):104613, 2023(Nature index)

4. Guo YJ, Pan LX, Wang LD, Wang S, Fu JQ, Luo WQ, Wang KZ, Li XQ, Huang C, Liu YT, Kang HR, Zeng QY, Fu XX, Huang ZJ, Li WY, He YX, Li LH, Peng T, Yang HD(*), Li ML(*), Xiao B(*), Cai MS(*). Epstein-Barr virus envelope glycoprotein gp110 inhibits IKKi-mediated activation of NF-κB and promotes the degradation of β-catenin. Microbiology Spectrum, 11(3): e0032623, 2023

5. Gong L, Ou XW, Hu L, Zhong JY, Li JJ, Deng SY, Li BL, Pan LX, Wang LD, Hong XJ, Luo WQ, Zeng QY, Zan J, Peng T(*), Cai MS(*), Li ML(*). The molecular mechanism of herpes simplex virus 1 UL31 in antagonizing the activity of IFN-β. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(1): e01883-21, 2022

6. Li JJ, Guo YJ, Deng YX, Hu L, Li BL, Deng SY, Zhong JY, Xie L, Shi SX, Hong XJ, Zheng XL, Cai MS(*), Li ML(*).Subcellular localization of Epstein-Barr virus BLLF2 and its underlying mechanisms. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:672192, 2021

7. Cai MS, Liao ZM, Zou XM, Xu Z, Wang YF, Li T, Li YW, Ou XW, Deng YX, Guo YJ, Peng T, Li ML(*). Herpes simplex virus 1 UL2 inhibits the TNF-α-mediated NF-κB activity by interacting with p65/p50. Frontiers in Immunology, 11: 549, 2020

8. Wang P, Deng YX, Guo YJ, Xu Z, Li YW, Ou XW, Xie L, Lu MJ, Zhong JY, Li BL, Hu L, Deng SY, Peng T, Cai MS(*), Li ML(*). Epstein-Barr virus early protein BFRF1 suppresses IFN-β activity by inhibiting the activation of IRF3. Frontiers in Immunology, 11:513383, 2020

9. Chen T, Wang YF, Xu Z, Zou XM, Wang P, Ou XW, Li YW, Peng T, Chen DX, Li ML(*), Cai MS(*). Epstein-Barr virus tegument protein BGLF2 inhibits NF-κB activity by preventing p65 Ser536 phosphorylation. FASEB Journal, 33(9):10563-10576, 2019

10. Li ML, Liao ZM, Xu Z, Zou XM, Wang YF, Peng H, Li YW, Ou XW, Deng YX, Guo YJ, Gan WD, Peng T, Chen DX, Cai MS(*). The interaction mechanism between herpes simplex virus 1 glycoprotein D and host antiviral protein viperin. Frontiers in Immunology, 10: 2810, 2019

11. Cai MS, Jiang S, Zeng ZC, Li XW, Mo CC, Yang YJ, Chen CK, Xie PP, Bian Y, Wang JL, Huang JL, Chen DX, Peng T, Li ML(*). Probing the nuclear import signal and nuclear transport molecular determinants of PRV ICP22. Cell & Bioscience, 6: 3, 2016

12. Li ML, Jiang S, Mo CC, Wang JL, Huang JL, Zeng ZC, Li XW, Chen CK, Yang YJ, Peng T, Cai MS(*). Identification of molecular determinants for the nuclear import of pseudorabies virus UL31. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 587: 12-17, 2015

13. Cai MS, Deng SX, Li ML(*). Comparison of the immune responses in BALB/c Mice following immunization with DNA-based and live attenuated vaccines delivered via different routes. Vaccine, 31(9):1353-1356, 2013

14. Cai MS, Zhao ZY, Yang L, Zhu JY, Cui W, Ma CL, Yuan ZQ, Li ML(*). Molecular property of the Epstein-Barr virus BFRF3 gene. Virologica Sinica, 28(6): 368-372, 2013

15. Cai MS, Li ML, Wang KZ, Wang S, Lu Q, Yan JH, Mossman KL, Lin RT, Zheng CF(*). The herpes simplex virus 1-encoded envelope glycoprotein B activates NF-κB through the Toll-like receptor 2 and MyD88/TRAF6-dependent signaling pathway. Plos One, 8(1): e54586, 2013

16. Cai MS, Li ML, Zheng CF(*). Herpesviral infection and Toll-like receptor 2. Protein & Cell, 3(8): 590-601, 2012

17. Li ML, Zhao ZY, Chen JH, Wang BY, Li Z, Li J, Cai MS(*). Characterization of synonymous codon usage bias in the pseudorabies virus US1 gene. Virologica Sinica, 27(5): 303-315, 2012

18. Cai MS, Wang S, Long J, Zheng CF(*). Probing of the nuclear import and export signals and subcellular transport mechanism of varicella-zoster virus tegument protein open reading frame 10. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 201(1): 103-111, 2012

19. Cai MS, Wang S, Xing JJ, Zheng CF(*). Characterization of the nuclear import and export signals, and subcellular transport mechanism of varicella-zoster virus ORF9. Journal of General Virology, 92(Pt 3): 621-626, 2011
