姓名:许雯雯 性别:女
民族:汉族 导师层次:博士生导师、硕士生导师
技术职称:教授 导师类型:学术型
最后学历:博士 最后学位:博士
工作单位:广州医科大学基础医学院 邮箱:xuwen6966@163.com
许雯雯,广州医科大学教授、博导。主持国家自然科学基金4项、国家重点研发计划子课题 1项、其他省市项目多项。获广东省杰出青年、南山学者领军人才、广东省青年珠江学者、香港青年科学家、王宽诚教育基金会青年教授称号。 近5年,以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Advanced Science、EBioMedicine、Nature Communications、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B、Clinical Cancer Research发表论文20 篇。担任香港大学荣誉助理教授、中国抗癌协会整合肿瘤分会、肿瘤标志物分会、胃肠病学分会青年委员等。
3)广东省“珠江学者(青年)” (2017-2020)
1) 《ZBED2在食管癌转移中的功能及机制研究》,2024年度基础医学院本科生创新能力提升计划项目,2023-2025.
2) 《硝酸芬替康唑的抗癌能力和分子机制研究》,2024年广东省大学生创新训练计划项目,2024-2025.
3) 《NU2058靶向糖酵解抑制肺癌进展的功能及作用机制研究》,呼吸疾病全国重点实验室2024年度“未来之星”本科生创新项目, 2024-2026.
1) KCTD4调控Ca2+/NFATc1信号通路促进食管癌转移的功能机理及临床意义研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023-2026, 52万,在研
2) LncRNA CTC-490G23.2及其m6A甲基化修饰在食管癌转移中的功能机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024, 55万,在研
3) NSBP1调控食管癌耐药的作用机制及其临床意义研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2020,59万,结题
4) 靶向CREB1-TGFβ2-ERK信号通路的欧前胡素在食管癌侵袭转移中的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019-2021,21万,结题
5) 食管癌变动态演进机制及个体化精准诊疗体系构建研究,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,子课题,2022-2023,100万,在研
1) NAT10调控FGF2的ac4C修饰重塑食管癌微环境促进转移的功能机制研究,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会杰出青年项目,2023-2025,100万,在研
4) 针对代谢重编程并基于“老药新用”策略的抗癌药物高通量筛选,广东省国际合作项目, 2021-2023,50万,结题
5) 长链非编码RNA AC005562.1在肿瘤转移和微环境中的功能机制研究,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金项目,2021-2023,10万,结题
1) 促癌蛋白KCTD4抑制剂的筛选和临床前研究,广州市市校联合项目,2022-2024,20万,结题
6) Serglycin在食管癌转移中的功能和分子机制研究,广州市科技计划项目,2019-2020, 20万,结题
1) Hong P#, Xu T#, Xu J#, Chen W#, Hu H, Chen J, Li L, Zheng C, Li B, Liu J, Dai W, Li E, Zhang F*, Xu W*(2024). CD24 promotes metastasis and chemoresistance by directly targeting Arf6-ERK pathway in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 25; 594:216994. (一区, IF=9.1)
2) Zheng CC, et al, Xu WW. KCTD4 interacts with CLIC1 to disrupt calcium homeostasis and promote metastasis in esophageal cancer. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B,2023, In Press. (一区, IF =14.7)
3) Xu WW#, Liao L#, Dai W, Zheng CC, Tan XP, He Y, Zhang QH, Huang ZH, Chen WY, Qin YR, Chen KS, He ML, Law S, Lung ML, He QY, Li B* Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screening identifies a targetable MEST-PURA interaction in cancer metastasis. EBioMedicine. 2023 Jun;92:104587. (一区, IF =9.7)
4) Zheng CC#, Liao L#, Liu YP#, Yang YM, He Y, Zhang GG, Li S, Liu T, Xu WW*, Li B* Blockade of the nuclear β-catenin signaling via direct targeting of RanBP3 with NU2058 induces cell senescence to suppress colorectal tumorigenesis. Advanced Science. 2022 Dec;9(34):e2202528. (一区,IF =14.3)
5) Liu QW, He Y, Xu WW*. Molecular functions and therapeutic applications of exosomal noncoding RNAs in cancer. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 2022 Mar;54(3):216-225. (一区,IF =9.5)
6) Zuo Q, Yao ZT, Liu YP, Wang DK, Liao L, Li SJ, Yin XF, He QY, Xu WW*. Targeting PP2A with lomitapide suppresses colorectal tumorigenesis through the activation of AMPK/Beclin1-mediated autophagy. Cancer Letters. 2021 Sep 9;521:281-293 (一区,IF =9.1)
7) Tan XP#, He Y#, Huang YN, Zheng CC, Li JQ, Liu QW, He ML, Li B*, Xu WW*. Lomerizine 2HCl Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Induces Protective Autophagy in Colorectal Cancer via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway. 2021 Jul 15;2(3):453-466, Medcomm.2021 (二区,IF =10.7).
8) Zheng CC#, Zhu YD#, Liu QW, Luo TT, Xu WW*. Maprotiline Suppresses Cholesterol Biosynthesis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression Through Direct Targeting of CRABP1. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021 May 20;12:689767. (二区,IF =4.4)
9) He Y, Liu QW, Liao HX*, Xu WW*. Microbiota in cancer chemoradiotherapy resistance. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2021 Jan;11(1):e250. (一区,IF =7.9)
10) Xu WW#, Zheng CC#, Zuo Q#, Li JQ, Hong P, Qin YR, Guan XY, He QY, Liao HX*, Li B*. Genome-wide identification of key regulatory lncRNAs in esophageal cancer metastasis. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2021 Feb 27;6(1):88. (一区,IF =40.8)
11) Xu WW#*, Huang ZH#, Liao L, Zhang QH, Li JQ, Zheng CC, He Y, Luo TT, Wang Y, Hu HF, Zuo Q, Chen WY, Yang QS, Zhao JF, Qin YR, Xu LY, Li EM, Liao HX, L Bi*, He QY*. Direct Targeting of CREB1 with Imperatorin Inhibits TGFβ2-ERK Signaling to Suppress Esophageal Cancer Metastasis. Advanced Science. 2020, 2000925 (一区,IF =14.3)
12) Yang YM#, Hong P#, Xu WW*, He QY*, Li B*. Advances in targeted therapy for esophageal cancer. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020 Oct 7;5(1):229. (一区,IF =40.8)
13) Liao L, Yao ZT, Fang WK, He QY*, Xu WW*, Li B*. Epigenetics in Esophageal Cancer: From Mechanisms to Therapeutics. Small Methods. 2020, 2000391 (一区,IF =10.7)
14) Hong P#, Liu QW#, Xie Y, Zhang QH, Liao L, He QY, Li B*, Xu WW*. Echinatin suppresses esophageal cancer tumor growth and invasion through inducing AKT/mTOR-dependent autophagy and apoptosis. Cell Death & Disease. 2020 Jul 13;11(7):524. (一区,IF =8.1)
15) Li B, Hong P, Zheng CC, Dai W, Chen WY, Yang QS, Han L, Tsao SW, Chan KT, Lee NP, Simon Law, Xu LY, Li EM, Chan KW, Qin YR, Guan XY, Lung ML, He QY, Xu WW*, Cheung AL* . Identification of miR-29c and its target FBXO31 as key regulatory mechanism in esophageal cancer chemoresistance-functional validation and clinical significance. Theranostics. 2019 Feb 28;9(6):1599-1613. (一区,IF =12.4)
16) Xu WW#, Li B#, Guan XY, Chung SK, Wang Y, Yip YL, Law SY, Chan KT, Chan KT, Lee PY, Chan KW, Xu LY, Li EM, Tsao SW, He QY*, Cheung AL*. Cancer cell-secreted IGF2 instigates fibroblasts and bone marrow-derived vascular progenitor cells to promote cancer progression. Nature Communications. 2017 Feb 10;8:14399.(一区,IF =14.7)
17) Li B#, Xu WW#, Han L, Chan KT, Tsao SW, Lee NP, Law S, Xu LY, Li EM, Chan KW, Qin YR, Guan XY, He QY, Cheung AL.MicroRNA-377 suppresses initiation and progression of esophageal cancer by inhibiting CD133 and VEGF. Oncogene. 2017;36(28):3986-4000. (一区,IF =6.9)
18) Li B#, Xu WW #, Guan XY, Qin YR, Law S, Lee NP, Chan KT, Tam PY, Li YY, Chan KW, Yuen HF, Tsao SW, He QY, Cheung AL. Competitive Binding Between Id1 and E2F1 to Cdc20 Regulates E2F1 Degradation and Thymidylate Synthase Expression to Promote Esophageal Cancer Chemoresistance. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016 Mar 1;22(5):1243-55. (一区,IF =10)
19) Xu WW, Li B*, Zhao JF, Yang JG, Li JQ, Tsao SW, He QY, Cheung ALM*. IGF2 induces CD133 expression in esophageal cancer cells to promote cancer stemness. Cancer Letters. 2018 Jul 1;425:88-100. (一区,IF =9.1)
20) Hu HF, Xu WW, Li YJ, He Y, Zhang WX, Liao L, Zhang QH, Han L, Yin XF, Zhao XX, Pan YL, Li B*, He QY*. Anti-allergic drug azelastine suppresses colon tumorigenesis by directly targeting ARF1 to inhibit IQGAP1-ERK-Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission. Theranostics. 2021; 11(4): 1828-1844. (一区,IF =12.4)